Thursday, October 27, 2011

Really cool crafts!

Everyone likes to make crafts of some kind.  You can use them as an art teacher, and lower level elementary grades for Mother's or Father's Day, or any other holidays.  I really like the idea of handmade gifts from kids, you can keep them and display them from year to year.  I don't think my kids ever get tired of looking at the adorable Christmas ornaments they made for me when they were 1 or 2 years old.  Maybe someday they will, but for now they just think it's funny to see how tiny their hands were or their toddler painting projects.  Again, I cannot tell you enough how much I enjoy Signing Time, and their web site has so much on it.  I found some really cool crafts to share today:

You can also jazz up your holiday/Christmas programs at school.  I enjoy a program with songs and actions and trust me, you can add all the signs you need to the 12 Days Of Christmas, or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Jingle Bells.  You can have half of the kids sing, the other half would be very interesting, and a great moment to capture on film.

I like this example I found on youtube.


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