Friday, November 4, 2011

More resources!

Ok, so it's been a while since I last gave you some information on sign language in your classroom.  I went on vacation and then the whole family was now it's back to sign language and filling you with all of the amazing information the internet has for you!

I love the books "...For Dummies".  There must be one for everything and everyone.  I like them because you know someone else out there is feeling the same way you are and are scare to ask anyone about it.  So I wanted to see if there really was a book of sign language for dummies, and there is!

Or what about a SmartBoard activity to use in the morning when your kids get the school. Most of the teachers I know will use it for attendance or for white or chocolate milk choices, or even which book they will read for circle time.  How about this great video?

Another fun game that almost every student likes is hangman!  How about incorporating that into a daily spelling challenge?

We live in a world with so many wonderful resources for us to use and share.  I hope I have given you some more avenues to travel as you incorporate sign language into yours and your students' daily lives.  Enjoy!

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