Tuesday, November 8, 2011

SIgn language in other languages

English is not the only language that uses sign language.  Just like the US where English is not the only language that is spoken, sign language is different in each language too.  I check around to see what links I could come up to see the kinds of sign language that are spoken in countries speifically in Spanish speaking countries.  I was also looking for other sign language dictionaries.  I was thrilled when I found this link: http://deafness.about.com/cs/signfeats2/a/spanishsign.htm

An excerpt from that site..."Andorra is a very small country between France and Spain with a population of under 100,000. One resource indicates that Andora has fewer than 5,000 deaf. I can not find any resources for a specialized sign language for Andorra. Belize is another small country, with a population under 300,000; its deaf population is under 15,000."

I also found a picture that shows the Spanish alphabet so you can compare it with the American Sign Language alphabet. 
I hope you find this interesting and can incorporate it into an ESL class if you have deaf and/or hard of hearing students.  Or in a class where you are teaching both English and Spanish.  What a fun way to teach both languages!  Enjoy!

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