Thursday, October 20, 2011


Who says BINGO can only be done using words and numbers that are said out loud?  Not me!  I love playing sign language BINGO.  You can create your own cards, or you can find templates online:

Then you can have your student glue pictures of animals, or you can have them write letters and numbers in the spaces.  You then sign each number, letter, or animal and the first student to have a BINGO signs it.  To sign BINGO you have a flat hand and touch your palm to your nose.  I'm not sure if this is how everyone signs it, but I was taught this by a few students and thought it was really cute.  So now it's the only sign I use.  I also google "cartoon animal pictures" for my BINGO cards.  I think the kids like them, and they can color them how ever they would like.  Plus if you want to laminate them you can use them all year.

  I thought this cow was so cute, I had to post him.

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice post in an interesting line of content.Thanks for sharing this article.
