Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Animated Sign Language Alphabet

I love powerpoint presentations!  When I was a public speaker these were my favorite tools for getting my message across.  I always told the kids I was talking to that the power point was there to keep them from staring at me for 60 minutes.  Looking at the same face for that long can become very boring.  Kids need constant change and stimulation, that's why they like video games and cartoons with lots of color.  How many adults do you know that like to stare at one face all day or the same black and white screen on their computer?  I am one to change my wallpaper a couple times a month and the color of my yahoo email page.  Sometimes it's pink, or blue, and I've also had black.  When you plan ideas for your students power points and other "technology" can be a life saver.  I found this very cool power point today and thought I would share it with you.  It's taken from the main website, listen-up.org.


Open it as a power point, view the slide show in it animated form, when it asks for a password, just click on read only.  I think you and your students will really enjoy it!  I know I did!

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