Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What can you do in Kindergarten?

I am subbing tomorrow in a Kindergarten class.  I'm planning on doing a number of the ideas I have posted during the past couple of weeks.  I know they will love the calendar idea, as well as pretending to be animals and mooing around the classroom.  I was trying to think of something else that would be exciting and something new.  I've been at this so many years that I (at times) forget to try something out of my comfort zone in classrooms.  What better time to try than tomorrow?

My ideas will involve teaching signs for "Help", "playtime", "quiet time", "recess", "stop", "lunch", "drink", "bathroom", "paper", "crayons", and "fall".  Using the signs will help to keep the class noise level lower and to see how many signs the kids can use in place of yelling for things, who knows it may work exactly like I think it will...

I also like this link from  I think it shows some great signs you can use with kids ages 8 and younger.

For a reference on the kids signs, check out the online ASL dictionary.  You can download if you'd like!

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